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Duncan's Peer-reviewed publications from 2014 onwards

Sleeping soundly? Testing the links between sleep quality and neurodevelopmental characteristics

Bettencourt, M.V., Mareva, S., Astle, D.E. 


Mapping the role of sexuality in adolescent mental health and substance use
Andrews, J.L., Astle, D.E., Jones, J.S., Blakemore, S-J.
Royal Society Open Science
Dimensions of early life adversity and their associations with functional brain organisation.
​Vedechkina, M., Astle, D. E., & Holmes, J. (2024).
Imaging Neuroscience
Global topology of human connectome is insensitive to early life environments–A prospective longitudinal study of the general population.

Carozza, S., Holmes, J., Akarca, D., & Astle, D. E. (2024).  

Developmental Science

What is developmental about developmental prosopagnosia? 

Epihova, G., & Astle, D. E. (2024). 


Understanding divergence: Placing developmental neuroscience in its dynamic context

Astle, D.E., Bassett, D.S., Viding, E.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews



Spatially embedded recurrent neural networks reveal widespread links between structural and functional neuroscience findings

Achterberg, J., Akarca, A., Strouse, D. J., Duncan, J., Astle, D.E.

Nature Machine Intelligence

The adaptive stochasticity hypothesis: Modeling equifinality, multifinality, and adaptation to adversity

Carozza, S., Akarca, D., Astle, D.E.


Toward computational neuroconstructivism: a framework for developmental systems neuroscience

Astle, D. E., Johnson, M. H., & Akarca, D.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Challenges and solutions to measurement of neurocognitive mechanisms in developmental settings

Pezzoli, P., Parsons, S., Kievit, R. A., Astle, D. E., Huys, Q. J., Steinbeis, N., & Viding, E. 

Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Exploring neural heterogeneity in inattention and hyperactivity. 

Zdorovtsova, N., Jones, J., Akarca, D., Benhamou, E., CALM Team, & Astle, D. E.


Testing the triple network model of psychopathology in a Transdiagnostic neurodevelopmental cohort

Jones, J.S., Monaghan, A., Leyland-Craggs, A., Astle, D.E.

NeuroImage: Clinical

Parental socioeconomic status weakly predicts specific cognitive and academic skills beyond general cognitive ability

Bignardi, G., Mareva, S., Astle, D.E.

Developmental Science

We need timely access to mental health data: implications of the Goldacre review

Astle, D. E., Moore, A., Marryat, L., Viding, E., Mansfield, K. L., Fazel, M., Ford, T. J.

The Lancet Psychiatry

Early adversity changes the economic conditions of mouse structural brain network organization

Carozza, S., Holmes, J., Vértes, P. E., Bullmore, E., Arefin, T. M., Pugliese, A., Astle, D. E.

Developmental Psychobiology

The entropy of resting-state neural dynamics is a marker of general cognitive ability in childhood

Zdorovtsova, N., Young, E.J., Akarca, D., Anwyl-Irvine, A., The RED Team, The CALM Team, Astle. D.E.


Brain charts for the human lifespan

Bethlehem, R. A., Seidlitz, J., White, S. R., Vogel, J. W., Anderson, K. M., Adamson, C., ... & Schaare, H. L.


Testing deprivation and threat: a preregistered network analysis of the dimensions of early adversity

Carozza, S., Holmes, J., & Astle, D. E.

Psychological Science 

Segregation and integration of the functional connectome in neurodevelopmentally ‘at risk’children

Jones, J. S., CALM Team, & Astle, D. E.

Developmental science

Statistical power for cluster analysis

Dalmaijer, E. S., Nord, C. L., & Astle, D. E.

BMC bioinformatics

Testing the specificity of environmental risk factors for developmental outcomes

Bignardi, G., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Astle, D.E.

Child Development

Social and emotional characteristics of girls and young women with DDX3X-associated intellectual disability: a descriptive and comparative study

Ng-Cordell, E., Kolesnik-Taylor, A., O’Brien, S., Astle, D., Scerif, G., & Baker, K. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Maternal mental health mediates links between socioeconomic status and child development

Smith, T. A., Kievit, R. A., & Astle, D. E.

Current Psychology

FarmApp: a new assessment of cognitive control and memory for children and young people with neurodevelopmental difficulties

Brkić, D., Ng-Cordell, E., O'Brien, S., Martin, J., Scerif, G., Astle, D., & Baker, K.

Child Neuropsychology


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A brief summary of key research

Zdorovtsova, N.

Salvesen Mindroom Centre, Edinburgh, UK

Annual research review: the transdiagnostic revolution in neurodevelopmental disorders

Astle, D. E., Holmes, J., Kievit, R. A., & Gathercole, S. 

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

A generative network model of neurodevelopmental diversity in structural brain organization

Akarca, D., Vértes, P.E., Bullmore, E.T., the CALM team, & Astle, D. E. 

Nature Communications

Two pathways to self-harm in adolescence

Uh, S., Dalmaijer, E., Siugzdaite, R., Ford, T. J., & Astle, D. E. 

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

A transdiagnostic data-driven study of children’s behaviour and the functional connectome

Jones, J. S., the CALM Team & Astle, D. E.

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Just a phase? Mapping the transition of behavioural problems from childhood to adolescence

Bathelt, J., Vignoles, A., & Astle, D. E.

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Training-dependent transfer within a set of nested tasks

Rennie, J., Jones, J., & Astle, D. E.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Far and wide: Associations between childhood socio-economic status and brain connectomics

Johnson, A., Bathelt, J., Akarca, D., Crickmore, G., RED Team. & Astle, D. E.

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Subjective SES is associated with children’s neurophysiological response to auditory oddballs

Anwyl-Irvine, A.L., Dalmaijer, E.S., Quinn, A., Johnson, A., & Astle, D.E.

Cerebral Cortex Communications

A randomized control trial of the effects of home-based online attention training and working memory training on cognition and everyday function in a community stroke sample

Peers, P. V., Punton, S. F., Murphy, F. C., Watson, P., Bateman, A., Duncan, J., Astle., D. E., Hampshire, A., & Manly, T.

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation


Transdiagnostic brain mapping in developmental disorders

Siugzdaite, R, Bathelt, J, Holmes, J, & Astle, D

Current Biology

Beyond the ‘core deficit’ hypothesis in developmental disorders

Astle, D, & Fletcher-Watson, S

Current Directions in Psychological Science

Longitudinal increases in childhood depression symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Bignardi, G., Dalmaijer, E. S., Anwyl-Irvine, A. L., Smith, T. A., Siugzdaite, R., Uh, S., & Astle, D. E

Archives of Childhood Diseases 

Mapping differential responses to cognitive training using machine learning

Rennie, JP, Zhang, M, Hawkins, E, Bathelt, J, Astle, DE

Developmental Science


Collecting big data with small screens: Group tests of children’s cognition with touchscreen tablets are reliable and valid. 

Bignardi, G., Dalmaijer, E.S., Anwyl-Irvine, A., & Astle, D.E. 

Behavioural Research Methods

Gene functional networks and autism spectrum characteristics in young people with intellectual disability. 

Brkic, D., Ng-Cordell, E., O'brien, S., Scerif, G., Astle, D. E., & Baker, K.

Molecular Autism

Dissociable effects of attention vs working memory training on cognitive performance and everyday functioning following fronto-parietal strokes.

Peers, P. V., Astle, D. E., Duncan, J., Murphy, F. C., Hampshire, A., Das, T., & Manly, T. 

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation



Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children

who struggle at school

Astle, D, Bathelt, J, the CALM Team, & Holmes, J 

Developmental Science

Whole-brain white matter organization, intelligence,

and educational attainment

Bathelt, J, Scerif, G, Nobre, AC, & Astle, D

Trends in Neuroscience and Education

The cingulum as a marker of individual differences in neurocognitive development

Bathelt, J, Johnson, A, Zhang, M, & Astle, D

Scientific Reports

Functional network dynamics in a neurodevelopmental disorder of known genetic origin

Hawkins, E, Akarca, D, Zhang, M, Brkić, D, Woolrich, M, Baker, K., & Astle, D

Human Brain Mapping


STXBP1-associated neurodevelopmental disorder: A comparative study of behavioural characteristics

O’Brien, S, Ng-Cordell, E, Astle, D, Scerif, G, & Baker, K

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

How does genetic diagnosis influence autism in children with intellectual disability

Ng-Cordell, E, Brkic, D, O'Brien, S, Scerif, G, Astle, D, & Baker, K

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research


Children's academic attainment is linked to the global organization of the white matter connectome

Bathelt J, Gathercole SE, Butterfield S, the CALM team, & Astle D

Developmental Science

Differences in brain morphology and working memory capacity across childhood

Bathelt J, Gathercole SE, Johnson A, & Astle D

Developmental Science

Data-driven subtyping of executive function-related behavioral problems in children

Bathelt J, Holmes J, the CALM team, & Astle D

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling as a mechanism for temporal orienting of attention in childhood

Mento G, Astle D, Scerif G

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience


Dissociable effects of attention vs working memory training on cognitive performance and everyday functioning following fronto-parietal strokes

Peers PV, Astle DE, Duncan J, Murphy FC, Hampshire A, Das T, ... Manly T

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation


Global and local connectivity differences converge with gene expression in a neurodevelopmental disorder of known genetic origin

Bathelt J, Barnes J, Raymond FL, Baker K, Astle D

Cerebral Cortex



Training working memory in childhood enhances coupling between frontoparietal control network and task-related regions

Barnes JJ, Nobre AC, Woolrich MW, Baker K, & Astle D

The Journal of Neuroscience

Electrophysiological measures of resting state functional connectivity and their relationship with working memory capacity in childhood

Barnes JJ, Woolrich MW, Baker K, Colclough GL, & Astle D

Developmental Science

Structural brain abnormalities in a single gene disorder associated with epilepsy, language impairment and intellectual disability

Bathelt J, Astle D, Barnes J, Raymond FL, Baker K

NeuroImage: Clinical

Language problems and ADHD symptoms: How specific are the links?

Hawkins E, Gathercole S, Astle D, the Calm Team, & Holmes J

Brain Sciences

How common are WM deficits in children with difficulties in reading and mathematics?

Gathercole SE, Woolgar F, the CALM Team , Kievit RA, Astle D, Manly T, ... Holmes J

Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition

Top-down activation of spatiotopic sensory codes in perceptual and working memory search

Kuo BC, Nobre AC, Scerif G, Astle D

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Developmental and individual differences in the precision of visuospatial memory

Sarigiannidis I, Crickmore G, & Astle D

Cognitive Development



The neural dynamics of fronto-parietal networks in childhood revealed using magnetoencephalography

Astle D, Luckhoo H, Woolrich M, Kuo BC, Nobre AC, Scerif G

Cerebral Cortex

Cognitive training enhances intrinsic brain connectivity in childhood

Astle D, Barnes JJ, Baker K, Colclough GL, Woolrich MW

The Journal of Neuroscience

Semantic advantage for learning new phonological form representations

Hawkins E, Astle D, & Rastle K

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Psychopathology and cognitive performance in individuals with membrane-associated guanylate kinase mutations: a functional network phenotyping study

Baker K, Scerif G, Astle D, Fletcher PC, Raymond FL

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Epilepsy, cognitive deficits and neuroanatomy in males with ZDHHC9 mutations

Baker K, Astle D, Scerif G, Barnes J, Smith J, Moffat G, ... Raymond FL

Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology



Distinct neural mechanisms of individual and developmental differences in VSTM capacity

Astle D, Harvey H, Stokes M, Mohseni H, Nobre AC, Scerif G

Developmental Psychobiology

Neural mechanisms by which attention modulates the comparison of remembered and perceptual representations

Kuo BC & Astle D

PloS One

Modulation of alpha power at encoding and retrieval tracks the precision of visual short-term memory

Poliakov E, Stokes MG, Woolrich MW, Mantini D, Astle D

Journal of Neurophysiology

Memory load modulates graded changes in distracter filtering

Shimi A, Woolrich MW, Mantini D, & Astle D
Frontiers in human neuroscience

Age group and individual differences in attentional orienting dissociate neural mechanisms of encoding and maintenance in visual STM

Shimi A, Kuo BC, Astle D, Nobre AC, & Scerif G

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Orienting attention within visual short-term memory: Development and mechanisms

Shimi A, Nobre AC, Astle D, & Scerif G

Child Development

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